What A Salesman..

One day, a young man goes to apply for a sales job at a major department store. He tells the sales manager that he doesn't really have any experience, but he is willing to try his hardest to learn. The manager likes his attitude and decides to give the guy a chance.

At the close of business the next day, the sales manager decides to stop in to see how the kid is doing on his first day.
He asks, "How many sales did you have today?"
The salesman answers, "One."
"How come only one," asks the manager. "Most of my salesman have 20-30 per day! How much was the one sale you made?"
The salesman answers, "$133,344.00"
"WHAT!?! What did you sell?"

"Well, a guy wanted a small fishing hook, so I sold him a medium fishing hook, then I sold him a large fishing hook. Then he needed a rod, so I sold him a light action rod, the upgrade to a medium action rod, and then changed it to a fully balanced combo. Then I told him he was going to need a boat, so I took him to the boating department and sold him a 14-foot motor boat, then upgraded him to a 20-foot cabin cruiser. Then I told him that his Volkswagen wouldn't be able to tow the boat, so I took him to the car department and sold him a sport utility vehicle."

"A guy came in for a fishing hook and you managed to sell him all of that?" asked the manager.
"No, he came in for a box of tampons, and I said, "Hell, your weekend is shot anyway, why not do some fishing?"

is it possible to implement??? i think so...

Source : LionHeart

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